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'We're Very Much a Team,' Housekeeping and Maintenance Staff Says

Five members of the housekeeping and maintenance staff at Starling's Grove at Canopy got together to talk about their work lives.

All five share the same sentiment: it's a joy to work at the Grove at Canopy and they enjoy the community's residents.

"Pretty much every resident is different," said Maintenance Director Aaron Pelt. "We have residents from every aspect of life."

Pelt explained how their daily interaction with residents forms a solid bond with the staff.

"There's a lot of one-on-one time, especially when housekeeping gets to go into the apartments every day," he said.

The team plays an important role in the operations of the community. That's why they recognize how vital it is to work together.

"Us housekeepers, we are very much a team, which helps," said Housekeeper Brenda Schneider. "If one of us is in trouble, needing help, you can always count on somebody to help you out," she said.

Just one reason why they cherish their work and look forward to it daily.

"None of us minds coming to work because we enjoy it," Pelt said.